12 opto-isolated digital input ports, 10 opto-isolated digital output ports. IO Power is 24VDC power supply input, current should higher than 1A(The controller already supply the power for IO port, no need the external power supply for IO port anymore). Main power supply 24VDC, Current should higher than 1A. Motion control 3-6 Axis(X, Y, Z, A, B, C) for option, max frequency output 300Khz/Axis. The Controller is 3-6 Axis for users options. The device can be used to control machine tools with stepper or servo motor with pulse and direction interface the controller can output a maximum of 300kHz stepping frequency for each axes and can work with upto 6-axes. Its the best to shiled the communication USB cable to ignore the interferences.

The computer connects to the UC300 via a standard USB cable. The network connection can be built with direct connection by USB Port. The device can communicate with a connection to a control computers network. The UC300 is a high-performace external motion controller for Mach3, with USB port communicated Mach 3 software, supporting standard MPG and Digital Dream MPG. P ortugal, R omania, S lovakia, S lovenia, S pain, S weden.

H ungary, I reland, I taly, L atvia, L iechtenstein, L ithuania, L uxembourg, M onaco, N etherlands, P oland. A ustria, B elgium, B ulgaria, C zechRepublic, D enmark, E stonia, F inland, F rance, G ermany, G reece. For CNC Router Engraving Milling Machine. UC300 6 Axis CNC Controller Card MACH3 Interface USB Motion Control Board EU. UC300 6 Axis CNC Controller Card MACH3 Interface USB Motion Control Board EU